April 29, 2024

Posterior Chain Workout

Posterior chain workouts combine training back, glutes and hamstrings, for the best pump of your life! If that sounds interesting to you, give this article a look and get all the inspiration you need!

By Limitless Pharma

Posterior Chain Workout

Posterior Chain Workout

Posterior chain workouts are the perfect mix if you're looking to build that hourglass figure! Hitting the back of the body, including back, glutes and hamsrings, makes a winning combination for a satisfying session!

Workout :
Pull-ups (assisted or unassisted) - 4 x amrap
Neutral grip deadlifts - 4 x 10-12
Hip thrusts - 1 x 12, 3 x 8 heavy
Dumbbell rdls - 3-4 x 12
Close grip lat pulldowns - 3-4 x12


Make sure you save and try this for yourself, and don't forget to use our BLOW Pre-Workout to guarantee an amazing session!