October 22, 2024

4 Exercises to Grow Your Back

Back day, best day, right? Well, if you love training back, you'll want to give a look at this article, because our exercise selection is about to make you crave your next back session!

By Limitless Pharma

4 Exercises to Grow Your Back


We gathered our top 4 exercises for back growth into one single training session, and it couldn't get any better. Be guaranteed your back muscles will thank you for adding these movements to your routine ; you can even adjust their difficulties to your own level.

Grab a serving of BLOW preworkout, do some upper body mobility and you're all set to crush this workout!


1. Stiff arm pull downs

This exercise is GREAT to target the lats and to really feel that stretch in the muscle. Grab two rope attachments, and set the cable to the highest point. Step back, keep your arms straight (with a slight bend in the elbows), and think of bringing your elbows to your hips. Make sure you keep a straight spine and a tight core, squeeze your back and push your chest out. Slowly lift your arms back up in eccentric, and repeat for your preferred amount of repetitions.


2. Pull ups

Pull ups are on the top of our back exercise list for many reasons. First, they're a very effective exercise for the whole back. Then, the only equipment required for pull ups is a bar, and the best part is how adaptable this movement is. It can be done by pretty much anyone, and it is possible to make it the perfect amount of "challenging" for you!

If bodyweight pull ups are too difficult, try using a band or a pull up machine.

If they're too easy, try adding weight to a belt, or performing the eccentric part slower!


3. Single arm rows

Every complete workout has to include at least one unilateral movement, in order to fix those imbalances. Single arm rows are ideal to target the lats one at a time, and to help you even out your strength on both sides of your body. You can either perform this exercise on a machine or with dumbbels, depending on your liking and on your fitness level.


4. Bent over rows

Saved the best for last with bent over rows. Adapt your grip to target your preferred back muscle section, and feel free to select your favourite option between a barbell, dumbbells, the smith machine, or an assisted machine for your movement set up. Tighten your core, keep your spine neutral, and make sure your head stays aligned with your spine ; don't look at yourself in the mirror or look up while performing the movement.



We crafted a fun and effective workout you definitelt should try on your end! Back day is such a fun day, and our selection of exercises makes it even better. Now is time get to work and lock in.