August 20, 2024

4 Exercises to Grow Your Legs

THIS IS YOUR SIGN TO STOP SKIPPING LEG DAY!! These 4 exercises will make your legs BURN, will help you work on strength, grow muscle, and improve balance! Read this article to find out more.

By Limitless Pharma

4 Exercises to Grow Your Legs


In this article, we show you 4 different exercises to help you grow your legs, gain balance and strength, and make you feel like an absolute beast! You can easily pair these 4 exercises together to create a fun quad-focused leg workout, or you can choose certain movements to include into your routine.

If you need a visual representation of the exercises, visit our Instagram account : @limitlesspharma.



Pistol squats are a great unilateral move to work on leg strength, balance, and skills. A pistol squat can be described as a squat on one leg. Grab a box and stand on it, one foot on the edge, and the second in the void. 

A beginner variation would be to stand on the floor, and balance yourself by holding onto a squat rack or a wall. 



The hack squat machine is perfect to get some depth into your squats. In addition, the machine and the back support helps with balance and reduces risks of hurting your back. You will really feel your quads on this exercise.

If your gym doesn't have a hack squat machine, try using the landmine, facing back and leaning your upper back onto the weight (plates).



This squat varitation is great to focus on all parts of the leg, with an increased focus on the glutes. Compared to other forms of squats, the pendulum machine allows you to execute a different type of squat form, increasing the activation of the glutes.



Leg extensions are THE ultimate quad isolation exercise. You can do them with both legs simultaneously, or you can focus on unilateral strength by doing them one leg at a time.

Pro tip: try performing drop sets with this exercise, they will make it an absolute burner!

*A drop set is when you perform X reps, then lower the weight, and perform X more reps without taking a break.



Training legs is hard, but it doesn't have to be boring! Grab a scoop of BLOW preworkout or BLAZE fat burner, put on your best playlist, and try giving these exercises a go!

Don't forget to make sure you take time to warm up, and focus on executing proper form on every exercise.


Workout by @emma_bell_ and @nixonsfitness